A post that i spent least amount of time on.
A post that was a lot of fun
A post that i think i’ve done before on Ryze on Caferati- the writers’ forum
A post that i found on Pal‘s Blog today that inspired me to do it all over again…………. 
These are the guidelines:

Lie, sound, colour, number, etc. [a light exercise]

Line 1 – Write down something that happened this morning. But make it an out and out downright lie.
Line 2 – In the spirit of 1 – write a sentence with a sound in it.
Line 3 – Write a sentence with a colour in it.
Line 4 – Write a sentence with a number in it.
Line 5 – Write a sentence with a character from a book in it
Line 6 – Write a sentence with an animal in it.
Line 7 – Write a sentence with an emotion in it.
Line 8 – Write a sentence to do with the past, present or future.

You might want to go away, write it, cut and paste it. But write it quickly! Go for the first things that come into your head. But by all means do a little work on the finished result. The result may not be great poetry – but hey, it should be fun.

Here is what i managed to churn out…………………

As i was out on morning walk, came upon a Rolex watch lying abandoned
Ding Dong rang the bells in my head…
White and adorned with beautiful little diamonds
Without a second glance, i leaned over to touch it
Like Jughead drooling over a burger, i oggled at this beauty
Without a pause, like a rabbit, i hopped away
The joy and excitement within me knew no bounds
The dream i had last night was now a reality, and i needed no more!!
Go ahead, do this tag…  its fun , isnt it?
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