Last evening Lakshmi called to tell me about a song she heard as she walked into a restaurant… and we knew that the same thing/instance/person was running in both our heads at the same time!!
Similarly, there are days when i am watching a scene from a movie, or walk by a particular store, or pick out a certain dress! I know most of us go through these moments of Deja vu, but i keep wondering if there is a way of deleting/erasing the not so good ones and just retaining the good ones!!
While in Bangalore, in April, i remember being out on a drive with a friend and we had a particular conversation at a traffic signal, and every time we would pass by that particular the exact words we exchanged kept cropping into my head!! No matter how many other conversations we had had,i remembered this… infact told him about it and we had a good laugh…
Today is Vinayaka Chathurthi, and probably the 1st one my sister is missing[ for those who dont know, or dont remember, She is now in Hydie working] :D.. When she was about 2-3yrs old, she would go around telling mom she wanted ” that thing that is white on the outside with that brown and sweet thing inside”.. Mom was puzzled, and just had no clues what it was.. My sis went around asking others for the same, but no one knew what she wanted!! Took a while, and on a day when mom made Kozhukatai, she came screaming excitedly saying “This is that white on the outside, brown and sweet on the inside that i wanted”..yipeee!! hahah.. Imagine our reaction when we saw this puzzle get solved!! 😀 we were all baffled and ready to go bang our heads for not having figured it out…
The other day my friend called from Amsterdam to invite me to his daughter’s 1st Bday…. I’ve known him since 3rd std!! Mentioned this call to mom, and for the next hour it was all Flashbacks!! The days me and my friend would sit around talking, how he came home everyday with some little trinket when i was hurt and recuperating and the bike ride he took me on the day of my cousins’ wedding in Blore!
Another instance was the conversation i had with gramma few days ago when she was making Dosas for dinner… we were randomly talking about things, and the topic of my aunt popped in… Gramma’s Sis… she is ailing from breast cancer, we thought it was over and she was on path to recovery, but then somethin gor the other kept happening, a boil here, pain there… Anyways, we got to talking about how long she’d been ill, when she finally confessed it to her hubby and then to us[ she’d hidden it for a whole year from all] and how twisted life is…. Remembered another aunt passing away cos of cancer, gramma’s bro passing away all of which happening just before this aunt’s illness came to light…. gramma got quite upset and was quiet for a while, till i changed the topic and distracted them… Am sure the sleepless nights she spends are cos of all these worries! Sigh!!!
Strange how life takes us around..Almost like we are on a Merry go round that never ends, but some people who get on it leave behind an impression- good and bad!…. Looking forward to more such rides……
Lovely flashback and thoughts… add to that the soulful music on your blog… hmmm… hmm…. floating upwards slowly…
Ive learnt to retain the good things abt a memory and let go of the not so good for instance, the song is the only thg i choose to remember 🙂
It happens to me all the time. Sometimes I'm so sure that the event is repeating in my life but I just can't place it. May be memories from past life too haunt us. 🙂
Pal- glad u like it :))
Lakshmi — Yep, thats in the process of learning…
Soli– Hugss!!
Maybe this is worth sharing that i found in this few posts below.[url=]Car Cover[/url]