You work on the computer… You save on the computer….

You work on the computer… you save on a Floppy disk

You work on the computer… you save on CD

You work on the computer… you save on a Pen drive

You work on the computer…   you save on an external Hard drive

You work on the computer…you save it on Dropbox or other cloud

What next???? do we save it in thin air? does it go vapourise into space?

We need a back up of the back up of the back up of the……….. phew, am tired!! What was i talking about?

Sheesh…. everyday… every minute spent in the fear that the computer might crash, power might conk… data will get lost…

Somebody find something that will save things into the invisible space and one that we can retrieve at the blink of an eye… The file could be named Tom&jerry or Whostolethecookiefromthecookiejar or Naakamuka, but the file should be available with whatever we conjure up in our head  or even if nothing comes, the file should be found!! 😀

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