The other day two of my friends came home, and within minutes the family was curious as to how I knew them. 
While one of them is my age, the other is much older. 
We did not go to school together
We did not work together
We did not do any course
Heck, we dint know each other till 3yrs ago!
Yes, that is true and today we are thicker than friends, almost family.. We hang out at each others’ homes, we cook, we meet, we are there for each other come what may and we are just such awesome friends.. 
So, how do I know them? Through this lovely forum called Chennai Food Guide..
I don’t even remember when I joined the group, but it has been phenomenal to say the least.  I know I am using a lot of adjectives and superlatives, but it is not just for jazz, I mean every one of them. 
I did have quite a few friends, but through this forum I have connected with some very talented people, people from various walks of life and some who have changed my life for the better as well. 
What is Chennai Food guide? 
It is a forum where you can talk about anything to do with food – recipes, restaurant reviews, food related articles, jokes, quips, good/bad experiences and share news on food from across the world as well. 
How many members are there today?
*Hold your breath..* we are at nearly 40,000 members today and growing… 
When is the anniversary?
Yayy! Our 10th anniversary celebrations are scheduled for 28th Feb and it is happening at The Westin, Velachery [ near Phoenix market city] 
What time?
The evening kicks off at 6.45pm.. There is a blogger development session & networking opportunities prior to the main event. And then there is entertainment, an opportunity to meet some renowned Chefs, rib tickling comedy session and of course yumm food as well….
Bloggers Development Initiative

Date: 28 Feb 2015 from 5:45 to 6:30 PM
Venu: The Westin, Chennai. 

Free Event – prior registration is a must (please email Sub: Registration for Networking Event.
This first of its kind and possibly the largest congregation on food networking event in Chennai is for like minded food/ recipe bloggers, Hoteliers, Chefs, F&B Professionals, Home Bakers/ Chefs and others with interest in realm of Food. This program aims to create a congenial and transparent eco system for both: the social media professionals and F&B business to interact well and bring about responsible and qualitative product/ service offering. Chennai Food Guide proposes to pledge considerable resource to conduct classes on writing skill enhancement on food, development of food photography skills, technology in Social Media and leading trends and tools to bloggers, exploration of new Cuisines & Basics of Cuisine Arts & Science with the help of supporting F&B businesses. 
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