Do you love food? 
Do you love to cook?
Do you enjoy eating?
Do you like to party?
Well, if you answered for all or any of these with a big nod of your head, then time for you to read further…
If in case you answered No, well, you are here, so you might as well continue reading 😀 

The month is September

The date is 29th

Time is 6.30pm onwards

The venue to be at is Residency Towers

So what is so big about the day? Well, d’oh. its time for you to mark this on your calendar, so you don’t miss out on this awesome event… 
What is the event you ask? Gosh… its Chennai Food Guide’s 8th Anniversary bash. It is going to be an evening of fun, food and foodies…!! 
Come join us for this wonderful evening… If you would like to attend, ping me, leave a comment with your name/email id and i shall connect with you… Gracias!!!! 
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