January is the month Chennai Sangamam comes to town… I have made it a point to visit the fest atleast twice during the week it runs… This time though, was able to go only once, to Natesan Park, Tnagar.. The park was pretty bare, there was a music concert going on, and there were clusters of people sitting around the park enjoying the music.. Near the entrance, i saw a few engrossed in a Kili josiyam, some in Kuri josiyam and few children sitting with their arms and legs stiff as an artist created magic with colours….
On my way out, i caught a glimpse of this beautiful strand dangling in the evening breeze… Even though a few of the white flowers had dried, the orange blossom had me glued 🙂
Thanks Pal.. That was fast 🙂
Beautiful. 🙂 🙂
The white and orange dangling in the breeze…I can imagine how lovely it would be to watch this and I guess it also signifies the fragrance…of the rajnigandha and the marigolds! Beautiful picture!