When baking, follow directions.  When cooking, go by your own taste.  ~Laiko Bahrs
 How true… I am reading this quote for the 1st time, but i have been doing exactly that for as long as i can remember!! 🙂 
Whenever friends or family ask me for a recipe and procedure, i stumble, because i go by judgement rather than with teaspoons and tablespoons… measures beat me hands down, and must say i’ve not had the need for them till date…
I learnt to cook by watching mom and Gramma… i also learn from friends… but yes, there are recipes i recreate from watching TV shows, cookery books and blogs… 
I aint gloating, but i can pride myself in managing to cook up dishes- traditional and otherwise based on my own judgements and eye measures, and they have turned out YUMMY.. even if i do say so myself!!
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