Ah, how I wish I could take a world map, put a pin across all the countries/places I would love to explore and be done with it.. 😀 
1. My personal space-  This is the most precious of them all. Wherever I am, wherever I am at peace is a space is cherish and treasure. I don’t like others intruding or wanting to share it with me. It is not about sq mts or how many cupboards/fancy stuff there is, it is just my private space..

2. Chennai- The city I have come to call home. I don’t think I can actually live anywhere else and yes, I am quite proud of my city and will defend it to the end with those who claim it is boring, no life etc..

3. The Entire country- India – There is so much to see, so much history hidden in the walls that I am in constant awe overtime I visit a town. One lifetime sure ain’t enough to see it all.
4. Near the water- I find peace and calm near water bodies. I can sit, wander about or just be and I feel happy. 

5. Sri Lanka- The one country that I have fallen in love with. The people, the places, the food- it was all so warm and lovely.. I wouldn’t mind going back here

6. Books – I shall happily get lost amidst the pages of a book …

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