A person we know for 2days – a friend?
A person we’ve known for over 1 week- a friend?
A person we’ve known for over 1 month – a friend?
A person we’ve known for over few months- a friend?
A person we’ve known for nearly a year- a friend?
A person we’ve known for over 1 year- a friend?
A person who’s in our age group- a friend?


A person we’ve connected with instantly-a friend
A person who’s with you through thick and thin- a friend
A person with whom you’ve developed a bond- a friend
A person who you know will be there to help you no matter what- a friend
A person who’s 100s of kilometers away,and yet close to your heart- a friend
A person you might not have spoken to for months and yet you catch up right where you left off – a friend
A person with whom you can be yourself- a friend…………………
A big Hi Hello to all my friends, and just wanted to say, Thank you for not just passing through my life, but being  part of it!!
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