It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round..[remember this as you read on…. :-)]
Today, i had to accompany gramma for her massage/treatment at Arya Vaidya Sala….Mom’s been going with her the past week, so i guess the ladies there were familiar with mom’s face .. We reached at 9.45 for her 10am appointment, but alas had to wait nearly an hour before the masseuse was ready for gramma!!!.. Anyways….. the reception table was empty, but soon a “not so happy looking, actually sour and grumpy looking” babe walked in, dumped her bag, and went about meddling with the computer and what not.. Gramma was sitting in the chair near the desk, and i was seated in another chair few yards away, engrossed in Lee Child… She dint care two hoots about either of us!!!
Few mins later, another girl/lady walked in, and went straight to the desk, but she smiled at gramma, asked how she was doing and if she was waiting for her appointment… Looked at me directly, but no smile- grim look.. i did give her a smile, but when i dint get any in return, left it..
She then suddenly starts :
Are you with the patient [my gramma]?
I have seen another lady come with this patient [my gramma], i thought it was her sitting and was all set to smile and greet, but when i saw it was you [ a new face] i cut off the smile…
Gramma then butt in and said ‘this is my granddaughter, my daughter’s daughter, since today is Sunday, my daughter wanted a break and so she has come with me” ..
That lady – Oh ok… and then came the smile!!
Dint know you had to know someone before flashing a simple smile… was even more surprised that the lady actually told me she dint smile cos she dint know me!!! hmmm.. people are strange!!
It's like they have only that many smiles, so they better preserve them … 🙁 Those who are miserly with smiles are missing out on a lot of fun and laughter. I smile where ever I can. It really does take all kinds to make the world go round.
If I am not sure I know a person but the person looks familiar – I feel there is no harm is smiling, but there can be so much harm in not smiling 🙁
And of course one smiles at total strangers in public places… I feel some people become rude because that's the way everybody spoke to them when they were young.
And you were really nice to accompany your grandma… hugs 🙂
hello~nice to meet u..............................
reminds me of a quote 😀 smile at a wl worry them silly 😀 😀
"You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there." 😀
LOL !!! Where is this place??? Im need to display my trademark 24 hr smile !!! 😀 😀 😀
That's a really interesting post. There is no harm in smiling at total strangers but typically people tend to preserve those smiles like gems. In places like Delhi, people smile at each other even when they are at each other's throats. In that context, it is better to preserve the smiles for really genuine occasions.
arre why waste a smile ?
Strange are the ways of people….
Strange are the people and stranger are the strangers 😀 😀
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