Whooopee doo deee… I did it… Actually managed to survive it this long and make an announcement too!! Yipeee!! 🙂
I’m at my 250th post..How abt that!! Ha!!

ok, now to a “my kinda” post!! 

Last evening while chatting with a friend with whom i share my name [except hers is a diff spelling], we got around to talking about random things, one of which was about our Bloggers meet that happened yesterday [Saturday]- we a bunch of bloggers who’ve connected and meet up every once in a while!!! Anyways, about that in another post…

This post is about why i and all of us blog… here is a snippet from the conversation we had last nite!! 🙂

 me: eeeeeeeks
  yes i do.. have not one but err, 4 😀
 A: 😛
 me: is dat a no??? 😛
 A: yes i do…
 me: and ???
A: but its nothing great and all oK?..its some dumb abstract thoughts…so u can check me out at
me: dats ok… 🙂 we dont need high fi stuff
A: he he …and dont read it if you are too happy, i write only when i am in those ‘moods”
 me: again, its ok babes…. !!
A: that was a disclaimer !
me: we allwrite for diff reasons…
     diff moods
A: i somehow cant write when i am happy, strange i have tried..but then its only half attempts at   writing
me: i guess like some others i know, u need to vent wen down… thats cool.!
A: yeah…so when i dont write in my blog, i am actually doing well…too many posts and thats bad !!! LOL
me: hahahah
      Awesome to hear that!!
     so hope ur posts are far n few

People blog for various reasons…
  • Some for Fun [like me, at the drop of an hat, actually for that also there will be a post…!! ]
  • Some for Fame [ urrr.. really ? mind telling me how?]
  • Some to Show off.. [shh, not gonna say anything on this.. 😉 ]
  • Some to vent [get it off their chest kinda venting, rant n rave!! :)]
  • Some to share [keep in touch with people across the globe, friends and others!! sometimes toot toot, sometimes just to keep them posted!! ]
  • Some to make some $$ outta it [ tho am yet to figure out how that works!! now dont reccomend Adsense, those are just plain annoying!! ]
  • and Some for Fun [i said that before? no worries, it can never be said enuf!! ;)] 

I started blogging couple of yrs ago

… Blog lay docile, and then it woke up and has been causing quite a rampage i see , or rather hear [ from those sweet voices inside my head ofcourse!!:)]

Today, i am the proud owner of not just one , but yes 4blogs…!!
How and Why 4 you ask?!!- 
1. For creative writing – Which is where i discovered i too could write!! my 1st ever blog

2. For reviews- Books,music, movies, shows,etc – I used to write on Mouthshut, but then decided to move all to my blog and write here instead!!

3. For travelogues and adventures [ newest baby on the block]- Had mixed up travel, life and everything in my other blog[ref no.4] , but now realised i need one excl for travel…

4. For general writing [this very bloggy]

[Created at Wordle.net, and modified!!]

I absolutely enjoy writing…
words are what i love the most
give me a thot 
and watch me drift away into wordland…. !!!
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