My Blog journey has been quite interesting…

I started blogging about 3yrs back.. but never really bothered much about writing regularly.. it was just a cache to store my poems, and reviews.. but soon the blog bug bit me and i got into writing regularly..

And know what.. since then, my life has become awesome…. it has helped me share, it has helped me reach out to so many people.. i dint know existed!! and today, i have received an award from someone who i find is awesome… mature for his age and writes like nobody i know –Vishesh


Now, i shall honor some more amazing bloggers with this award!!! 
In no particular order 😉
Beautiful words Kalyan
The Train man- Vrij 
Indian Home Maker – am lost for words!!!
Tamizhmagan Cm- chap 😉
Lakshmi the Traveller… 🙂
Chaks – the sweet buddy!!
Rauf , the 2am friend!!


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