A friend was in Pune and asked if we could meet over the weekend. After going to & fro on a place, we finally zeroed in on Elephant & Co, in Kalyani Nagar. I had heard of the place, seen their outlet in Baner and was quite excited to head out. The amazing...
This was the 1st official long-distance trip that P & I were doing since we moved in. It was also extra special cos he was gonna be meeting my family for the 1st time. With some excitement, and a wee bit of anxiety we quickly packed our backpacks and we were in...
During our recent road trip to Chennai & back, we spoke about a range of things, one of which was the whole travelling together & how it is the biggest & best test for any relationship. Infact, the very 1st time we met, we rented a car & did a mini...
There has been a constant buzz online [Instagram & Twitter] about this new cafe in Bangalore, and how they were so good and always crowded etc. While I was impressed with the place [ based on reviews & photos], there was a small part of me that felt maybe it...
It was hot, we had been on the road for an hour + [Chennai to Mahabalipuram with an hour & half at Dakshin Chitra]. It was nearly 2.45 pm and we were out looking for a place that would serve us LUNCH. Yes, we were hunting cos most places had shut for lunch and...