Travel during Covid times

Travel during Covid times

Breathe.. Breathe…Have some water, if needed.. breathe… No no, those instructions are not for me, they are for the select few who read my blog and who are gasping at the title.. Who are giving me angry glares & stares for travelling during Covid times~...
Equal at all times..

Equal at all times..

A friend: Had a big order to fulfill and was able to do it with few minutes to spare. Me: Yayy, am so proud of you She:  it was 50% my effort and 50% S’s [her husband’s] effort. He was a sweetheart, made me breakfast and that’s what kept me going and...
This Monday.. Choose your friends..

Single and Independent…not acceptable

This is a post that has been sitting in the drafts for a while now.. Decided I was gonna publish it, and apt considering today is Women’s Day~~ Warning: Long read… Single and independent Do you see anything wrong with this? No? ok.. let’s try this...

This Monday… Look for the silver lining

Back in 5th or 6th std, our class teacher came up with this rule that every week one of us would take turns to write a proverb on the board first thing in the morning. It had to be different and simple – those were the only parameters. I have no idea where I...
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