Birthday at home

Birthday at home

There is always a first time, and this year was one such, for the birthday.. When I look back, I have been travelling on my Birthday for the last 6 odd years, and this year thanks to the Coronavirus I was in Chennai, and at home for the day~ From Sep 1st, I could feel...
This Monday.. a departure & some words..

This Monday.. a departure & some words..

How do you coping with the death of a friend? One that you knew for years, did not meet or chit chat often, but you knew was around and you had a special connection. How do you cope with the death of a friend, especially one that was so sudden & unexpected? How...
This Monday.. a departure & some words..

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy

“Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be.”― Eleanor Roosevelt Every now and then one stumbles upon a book that leaves you completely spellbound. You just grin as you flip across the pages, heart warms up and you get the feeling of being wrapped up in...
Fine Dining brought home…Part I

Fine Dining brought home…Part I

“If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain”.. what is the point of this quote here? well, read on… March 22nd, we have a full lockdown and since then we have been in some form of lockdown or the other, atleast...
Taking a break…1

Taking a break…1

Have you ever stumbled upon a roadblock and decided to just take a break and later discovered that a solution fell into place seamlessly? That is the power of break for you… Infact, this is something i have experienced quite often which is when I understood the...
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