Don’t Wait to Be Found: Why Reaching Out to Clients is Essential for Freelancers

The Freelancer’s Secret Weapon: Networking and Reaching Out

As a freelancer, you wear many hats. You’re the marketer, the salesperson, the project manager, and of course, the talented expert delivering exceptional work. But with so much on your plate, how do you find new clients and keep your project pipeline flowing?...
Working from Coffee shops, Pune edition

Working from Coffee shops, Pune edition

I written a post earlier about the whole coffee shop culture, which included working from them, and what it meant for me. You can read the post here. I had also written a post about the top three places I love visiting in Pune, and in fact these make for good places...
Taming the Freelance Imposter: How to Own Your Success

Taming the Freelance Imposter: How to Own Your Success

I have been a freelance content witter and specialist for over a decade. I have grown from someone who churned out 10 articles a day to now helping clients with content strategy, marketing campaigns and work on select projects only. Gone are the days when i spent...
Never Stop the Flow: Building a Steady Stream of Clients as a Freelance Content Writer

Managing Clients like a Pro During the Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… but if you’re a freelancer, it can also be the most stressful. Between managing holiday cheer, family gatherings, and a potential surge in work, keeping your clients happy (and sanity intact) can feel like a...
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