2023 is half way done, and it has been a year that saw quite a few new apps emerge and existing ones up their game to keep up with competition. This boosted the number of people who created personal accounts and pretty much every business on this planet has one...
Are you tired of creating the same generic content that’s already been done a thousand times before? Do you want to stand out from the crowd and offer your audience something truly unique and fresh? The key to unlocking new, original ideas lies in thorough...
I start by making a To-do list. I add all items on my mind, separating them into two categories – Work & personal and then begin by assigning a level of importance and priority to the items. Subsequent to this, I start with the easiest – replying to...
As a freelancer, taking on new projects can be daunting. You need to know how to properly vet potential projects, strategize for the long haul, and make sure the project is completed with a high quality of work. That’s why it’s important to have an established process...
Creating a content strategy is one of the most important and often overlooked steps when it comes to creating a successful business. It is essential for any business, small or large, to have an effective content strategy in order to stay competitive in this...
We all have our own unique ways of dealing with the stress and unending demands that life throws our way. For many, writing can be a powerful and cathartic experience – not only does it allow us to express ourselves creatively, but studies have also shown that...