In your shoes…

[Image: A fridge magnet at a friend’s house] For atleast 20years of my adult life, have had people tell me now and then how I was not in their shoes to understand what they are going through.. I have also been told,  “Only when you are a mother,...

[Share] 17 F*cks you should finally stop giving…

I recently read this book called The Subtle Art of Not giving a F*ck by Mark Manson and it was a brilliant read… It covered various aspects that I have been following and talking about with those around me… Amazon link in case you wanna buy the book.. And...

Saying NO and standing your ground…

The urge to say No is like that itch that won’t go away, we know it exists but we are unable to reach it to scratch it away. Most times we spend so much time thinking it makes us a bad person for saying no.. Yes, we are all guilty of having...

The high horse

In life we come across people of all kinds, shapes, sizes and personalities. While I couldn’t care about their appearances, it is their personality that leaves an impact. Sometimes its positive, sometimes its inspiring, and sometimes it just irks me to no end....
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