Quick wrap up!

Dear Diary, How have you been? I know I haven’t written in you in a while.. As I say silence means good news! So things have been going good, have been busy with work/projects and also managed to do not one but three trips to Bangalore [ albeit short ones] over...

Dedicated to all the girls out there…

A forward I received, worthy of sharing… 1. Not every girl wants to get married by 23. So before you ASSUME she’s of marriageable age, ask her what her views on marriage are. One hint, might save you the drama- just because she does not want to get married...

To Judge or not be judged…

I don’t get it!!! I turn left, I turn right, I am constantly being stared at.. Why? I say something, I do something, I am being judged.. Why? When walking on the road, I notice people stop, stare and then pass on some shushed comments as they walk along.. Well,...
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