Do you speak your mind or hold your tongue? I belong to a family where speaking your mind is frowned upon, heck whoever is around you will either leave the room or start talking about something else and ignore you completely. You might as well be invisible~ That said,...
Breathe in- Breathe out – do this for a few mins as you start the day. The world can wait.. Pay attention to your senses when eating/drinking/walking and enjoy the moments Be still – The first few minutes as you get up from the bed, just sit and be still....
Habit #1 I read a blog post, a poem by a friend sometime back. I read it once, I re-read it and left a comment like I always do [ sharing my thoughts on the poem] I do the same on Instagram, or Facebook, or a piece of music on Youtube, a podcast anything else that is...
If you told me a decade ago that I would have a wardrobe that had plenty of T-shirts, tops, jeans, pants and dresses, I would have laughed at you and asked you to stop making fun… But well, guess what, today these are what fill my wardrobe. I barely have any...