Skywatch Friday- Where they meet

“Poompuhar welcomes you” was the signboard i saw up ahead. We were really here and headed towards the delta. The town bore a sleepy look, probably because it was a Sunday afternoon. I remember studying about Cauvery poompattinam back in high school Tamil...

Hunger pangs and an Eggless Strawberry Yogurt Cake

I was feeling like a snack, but it was one where i wanted to eat fruits. I opened and stood in front of the fridge for a few minutes, discovered a box of chopped papaya and a box of fresh strawberries. Had a light bulb moment, why not i make something with the...

Soup Nazi

I’ve always enjoyed watching Seinfeld, and this one awesome episode involving the Soup Nazi.. About a year or so ago, my cousin V studying in USA got the chance to meet the guy who played the Soup Nazi and he said ” i went up to him and said “No soup...
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