ot into one of those moods.. felt like cooking something fun.. and all i came up with were 2 beetroots that had become spongy… 🙂 Pulled em out, chopped em up, brought out the 2 interesting spices i had bought in blore and voila, a yummy lip smacking dish was...
Its Friday and i dont know where the week went by. Seems like the days are floating by way too fast for me to savour them. I work, i play, have some fun and voila, the week ends!! 🙂 This week was awesome fun cos uncle, aunt and cousin had come down from Delhi and i...
What a lethal combo evening that was…. Me and S,a friend of mine decided to watch the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [Based on the short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald], and then check out the Rajasthani Food Festival at Olives, in Deccan...
These days, my weekdays are more chilled out than weekendMy friends keep saying “chill out and have a relaxed weekend gurl” and my weekends, esp Saturday’s are anything but that!!This saturday, you wanna know what i did… or rather what all i...
Saturday was one hellova day!! your probably thinking i did something wacko, or partied hard.. nope, sorry to burst your bubble, but it was quite a hectic day.. had a meeting with big wigs in the afternoon, which went on from 3 to 6.30.. and then sauntered towards...