Day 4 – Time to fly

In another 8days, a little birdie will fly off the nest and learn to fly on its own… Am talking about my Sister, who’s off to join her 1st job in a different city… The day she got the job, we were all elated, but in a few minutes a lull set in at...

Day 2 – The girl

A poem i wrote 5 yrs ago still remains in my head… The words so vivid and clear, so i decided to pick my own poem as MY current favorite poem!!! :)The Ragamuffin Girl Plastic and paper strewn all overas if toys in a playgroundTrying to find my wayaround the pit...

Ties and Bonds

Gone are the days when all we relied on was the worn out blue paper that brought notes from our loved ones. Today we have the telephone – the landline at home, or the mobile phone, and then there is the computer – we use it to email, network, chat, tweet,...


Am not talking about a game of cards, or the different classifications in the cards; or for that matter, a spade used in the garden!  The spade i am referring to is the one i call a SPADE!!  Heard the expression- Calling a spade a spade? well, it firts me to...


Whats happening in your life ? – Will email you You switched jobs and dint tell m? – Duh, Dont you get Linkedin updates? Where did you travel to ? – Check out my cool pictures on Facebook Have you seen this xyz movie? – Yep, and even reviewed...
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