Food options across the ocean… Emily’s- 2

We were driving down towards Santa Cruz beach on the cool Sunday afternoon. There was crazy traffic, so we had music playing with the kids taking turns to choose from their favourite songs… And voila, what did we spot along the way- we spotted the name...

Souplantation, Los Angeles

Souplantation, one of the few places that I fell in love when in USA.. It was the day before the wedding, us girls were all being heralded towards the car to go for the rehearsal.. It was the 1st time, we were told what our role was, where we had to stand, what we had...

Food options across the ocean… 1

  Blackberries  Blueberries Raspberries  Clementines [ Baby size]  Granny Smith Apples Strawberries The day after I landed, morning breakfast was a party of sorts. Not just because we were one big happy gang, but the food on...

Avartana unveiled, ITC Grand Chola, Chennai

Deconstructed…Dehydrated….Emulsified…Smoked.. are terms that once upon a time used to go over my head.. Now I know what they mean, and I know what to expect when a dish is placed in front of me. But then there are times when I falter and assume what I see is what I...
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