Fabelle comes to town, ITC Grand Chola, Chennai

There were Quality Street chocolates in those round tin boxes when I was growing up. And then I discovered the world of Lindt, Ghirardelli and Godiva… But then I am not a big chocolate fan, and am reminded of this every time the entire family comes together. They...

The Drop, Pan Asian, ITC Grand Chola

My mantra when it comes to food- be open, be prepared to try something new, it could be a dish, it could be a vegetable or meat, sauce, anything… Once you get to this point, life is nothing but awesome..  This is probably why last evening was special, no...

Multi Cuisine Vegetarian restaurant- Entree, E hotel, Chennai

Pure vegetarian restaurant… South indian cuisine? No, its not South indian, actually outside of breakfast they don’t have south indian on their lunch or dinner menu.. Wait, you are saying they are Multi cuisine Yes indeed, how awesome is that. Well,...
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