The woman that she is

We were on Sardar Patel road heading towards adyar and onwards to LB road when suddenly we felt a jolt while waiting at the signal. Three head turned. We spotted the motorcyclist struggling to get his bike straight. The driver got out of the car to inspect the damage-...

From days gone by..

As I wandered around the vast space looking for Platform No1, as I wove my way around parked and “ready to zip out of bus stand” buses, I saw a few faces and a million expressions, changing with every minute, with every announcement.. Finally, there it...

Be a friend….

    If you know someone who’s depressed please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation, depression just is, like the weather. Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness and loneliness...

Photo Tag for September

30 Day Photo challenge 1. This is a thirty day challenge. Refrain using old pictures. 2. If you miss one day, compensate the next day. 3. Upload it anywhere you prefer. Flickr | Facebook | Tumblr | your Blog.   This tag has been inspired from Sherry’s blog...
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