S for Strangers..

This post is not about strangers strangers, it is about familiar faces who are strangers!  No, I am not referring to friends who have become strangers, am talking about faces we have seen or met, but who are strangers. We know them, but dont really know them We...

3 Adults & 2 kids in the Toy Train?

  A steam engine takes place of honour outside the Coonoor station after having given years of service to the railways.   A church i spotted while waiting at Coonoor station   After a good 4 hours walking around Coonoor, we were making our way towards the exit at...

Kefi – Levantine Lounge

There I was, once again. Back after ages. Taj Mount road.. The entire building is lit up in hues of blue, and this continues to the roof top as well. as you get off the elevator, you are greeted by the dimly lit swimming pool , beyond which is the bar and Kefi, the...

If wishes were horses…

This was taken at Dakshin Chitra on ECR nearly a year or more ago. A lamp inside one of the model houses.. 🙂 Submitting this for Wordless Wednesday theme by Chennai Bloggers Club

Make me a Master Cook with Shazia Khan

Friday night around 8pm, or was it 9pm? I forgot. All I remember was getting a message from Manju Madhu saying “Congratulations, you have won..  want to take up Masterchef workshop”. I did ask her my other prize options, but then decided to take this...
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