[Skywatch Friday] Clear skies after the rain

[Skywatch Friday] Clear skies after the rain

We have had a few weeks filled with nothing but dark clouds, and crazy rains scattered through the day. The last two days has been clear skies and chill weather… now if only my head would also clear up like these skies.. 🙂  
[Skywatch Friday] Clear skies after the rain

[Skywatch] Cloudy with splash of rain

There has been such a drastic change in the weather, it has been raining on & off the past few days and we are rejoicing… It feels so good to not be sweating all the time or need the AC for longer hours.. Here’s how the sky looked 2days back…...
[Skywatch Friday] Clear skies after the rain

[Skywatch] From the terrace

Last evening, I went up to the terrace cos the ACT guys wanted to sort out the cable, and install a connection at home. While the rep was busy doing his thing, I wandered about, looking around, up and down, left and right. Got a glimpse of some beautiful trees around...

[Recipe] Kewa Datshi

Off late during my trips to familiar towns, I make it a point to do something different.. Last time I was in Delhi, I explored not one but nearly 5 book stores and this time I decided it was going to be all about food.  In the morning I went to Lunch at Whiskey...

[Recipe] Padhir Peni or Chiroti

I am not sure when my romance with the Padhir Peni began, but must be a decade ago.. Since it is a Karnataka based dish, I must have had it at a wedding/function held there or in someone’s house there or someone who is from that state.. Anyways, that doesnt...
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