Emotions run amock

The past week has been kinda difficult for all of us.. i cant really say difficult, more like something we were not looking forward to.. nothing bad was gonna happen… its just that my cousin/bro, V was leaving for the USA to pursue his under grad… It seems...

Alms to give or earn?

Today morning while walking to our nearby store, i came across not one, but atleast 4 women begging.. some had kids, and others were using their children to beg.. I dint give anything… infact at one girl(who must have been about 6yrs old), i asked her “why...

Simple Joys of life – III

More things to smile about…. 1. Meeting a friend who’s just lost her dad recently and spending time with her…[even if it incl watching a crapppy movie..he he he… Woodstock villa- don’t watch plssssss]2. Reading Calvin n Hobbes –...

Bringing back sweet memories… “Frangipani”

I was in delhi couple of mths back.. and thats when i got to spend a lot of time with my baby cousin Lakshmi.. she is adorable and angelic…. :)one day, when me, uncle and L were getting back home from an outing at Dilli Haat, she suddenly said...
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