Lessons 2: Motivate yourself…

                        “A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured...

Lessons 1: Getting more from 24hours…

Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes, Five hundred twenty-five thousand Moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights In cups of coffee In inches, in...


Don’t leave people wondering how they’re doing; tell them. Don’t think that people know how they’re doing: tell them.  Don’t assume that your saying nothing means everything’s OK; tell them.  Don’t let people worry when they...

TiE lessons- Suresh Krishna, Sundaram Fasteners

1.Make the wise Choice of serving customers who will be unforgiving.  They will eventually help you build great products and services, ergo grow. 2.In the history of TVS, there has been NO strikes!. The secret- messages and information and communication must go...


Came upon this note on Facebook, and thought i shall share it on my blog, so many who read it can learn and alter their lives… I’ve realised early on that my attitude towards things makes all the difference.. Everything from how people talk to me, to my...
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