This Monday.. take a break

This Monday.. take a break

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Having a system.. an order..

Having a system.. an order..

There is a time to play and time to work, Time to swing and time to shine Time to chill and time to unwind… Do you have a system/ schedule a routine or a process that helps you function better feels, makes you productive? Also are you a follow the schedule or...
This Monday.. take a break

I hear em all

As I sit here Typing away on my laptop I hear the sound of the drill I hear voices I hear commands I hear em all And yet I don’t look up I don’t meet their eyes I continue typing I pretend I don’t hear em As the nail is inserted into the wall The...
Having a system.. an order..

Do what you want… or not..

Thanks to covid, being cooped up at home+ mind being in a world of its own, a lot of thinking and self-introspection has been happening. And many a times, am circling back to “conditioning” – how we have been brought up, what we are told as we grow...
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