This is probably the easiest topic of the lot so far… There is only one i love very dearly today, and now!! All those who know me might know who i am referring to… 🙂 The love of my life is Floppy, my 4.5 year old spoiled rotten brat… He is always...
Why is it hard to remain silent; when words are battling within Why is it hard to not share; when thoughts are floating free within Why is it hard to keep control; when feelings are shattering within Why is it hard to keep check on reality; when dreams are yearning to...
I watched The Smurfs yesterday morning with a friend and her son…. The theme song is just so annoyingly addictive, have been humming it non stop since then…. here it is, Enjoy this, while i go get the Review written!! Oh, and here’s the trailor as...