September Tag- Day 5- Someone you love

This is probably the easiest topic of the lot so far… There is only one i love very dearly today, and now!! All those who know me might know who i am referring to… 🙂 The love of my life is Floppy, my 4.5 year old spoiled rotten brat… He is always...

Live in the Present…

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”  Calvin & Hobbes

Why, i wonder!

Why is it hard to remain silent; when words are battling within Why is it hard to not share; when thoughts are floating free within Why is it hard to keep control; when feelings are shattering within Why is it hard to keep check on reality; when dreams are yearning to...

La la la la la lalala la go The Smurfs

I watched The Smurfs yesterday morning with a friend and her son…. The theme song is just so annoyingly addictive, have been humming it non stop since then…. here it is, Enjoy this, while i go get the Review written!! Oh, and here’s the trailor as...

Make an impression

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
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