[Theater] Love in a Tub

My high school friend V called me fri night asking if i wanted to come for a play[Supper theater, yes, you read it right, they give you a performance and feed you afterwards…], it was one of their client’s who was organising it.. asked her for the time,...

Tequila n Salt!!

Tequila and Salt This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it’s 100% true. 1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love...

Celebration of sorts

July 11th is a day that began with some wonderful thots in my mind… as i got out of bed, i remembered it was my Friend B’s bday [college mate, who used to be a good friend and well, over the years, our friendship has drifted a bit, but i still think of her...

[Movie] The Holiday

A movie i’ve seen earlier, but that had me glued last night to the TV.. The Holiday…A simple story, about two gals who are heart broken and looking to get away from their routine life., go somewhere and try getting over the men they were in love with.. The...

[Tag] Curtain Raiser

Egad… Another tag, this time its to do with me, and only me. IndianHomeMaker tagged me, and so me being a good girl that i am[winks] and taking the torch forward… The tag is to write 10 deeep dark hidden secrets about me that not many know off, or heck,...
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