The Curious Case of Benjamin Button….

I had been getting mixed reviews about this movie, only my friend Anita had said its a good movie, watch it, i know you will like it… 🙂 our tastes do match!!! Anyways, reached Satyam around 6.40 and made our way inside and eagerly waited for the movie.. I had no...

[Movie] Slumdog Millionaire!!!

After all the hype and the Golden Globes, i finally managed to watch the movie- Slumdog Millionaire !! I had read the book “Q & A by Vikas Swarup” about 2yrs back, and vaguely remembered the story.. That was when KBC was this very popular and happening...

[Movie] Changeling

One more movie i had picked up a Pondy was Changeling, infact the only reason i bought the movie was cos the cover looked interesting… But last night, managed to watch the movie and wow, it was amazing… Moved me, disturbed and affected me…. Here is a...

[Movie] Abhiyum Nanum

Most girls i know have a spl connection with their fathers, i do too, though i cant point out one reason why, but its just something that is there…. :)This movie, Abhiyum Nanum, made by Radhamohan of Mozhi fame is also about the same..A movie that was sweet,...

[Movie] The Fall

Couple of days back, my sis and i went to the DVD store and raided it clean!!! was fun!! Thanks to all the work, and projects flowing in, i’ve not been to a theater in over 2weeks… so decided this was the best way of destressing~!! 🙂 One of the movies i...
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