Directed by Santha Kumar and produced by M. K. Thamizharasu, this movie is quite offbeat amongst the run of the mill, romance, villain strewn movies churned out by the Tamil Film Industry… I was sceptical when i heard it starred Arulnithi, but with names...
A friend and i were spending time catching up and as we headed out of Amethyst, she asked “do you think we’ll get movie tickets? any movie??” Taking a chance we headed over to Satyam cinemas, and lo behold got tickets for Rajapattai… There were...
So, it was weekend and we were looking at the movies that had been released to see what we could catch… Since my Saturday was packed, we decided to hunt for tickets for Mayakkam enna for sunday…. The only theater that had tickets was AGS, Navalur OMR.....
Oh here is Superman, well not reallyOh wait, is he Robin hood, nope, not reallyOh then he is a man in disguise, doing good, nope, not reallyhe is simply Vijay… the actor!! and then there are a zillion others who come and go in the scenes!! The Story is of...
There is Eddie Murphy… Wait, there is Adam Sandler… Oh, hold it there, there is Alan Alda too.. Now, a movie with such fine actors has to be fun filled right? Well, that is what i thought before sitting down to watch Tower Heist… What i ended...