The high horse

In life we come across people of all kinds, shapes, sizes and personalities. While I couldn’t care about their appearances, it is their personality that leaves an impact. Sometimes its positive, sometimes its inspiring, and sometimes it just irks me to no end....

Growing old and other such fun things

No, this has nothing to do with a big birthday that is coming up few months down the road. It is more about dealing with people and age and other such things.  I live with my gramma [mom’s mom], I had been living with her and grandpa for a good decade...

The Tall and Short of it..

“Woah, so how tall are you?” is a question am quite used to these days.. Earlier it used to have me stumped, but now I just reply “5ft 10”.. The reaction – “Damn, that is tall” There is a running joke between a friend and I,...
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