Dear Diary, mind in a puddle

So, lots of things have happened since the time I spoke to you… I can sense a change in me, as a person, as an individual.. I continue to remain as independent as ever, just that I have now made peace with the world and stopped expecting things to be any...

S for Single

If there are two things that are found all around us it is “Free advice” and “questions”. And both these shall be imparted without an ounce of consideration or thought to others.  And I have been subject to both these for more times than I...

Dear Diary.. time does fly by

Dear Diary, Am back.. It has been awhile but feels like I was writing in you only yesterday. Two whole months have gone by and we have survived the days and nights.  But there are moments when am just blank and  I end up having a chat with Granpa –...

[Book] 10 Patients by Dr Wasim Mohideen

” I am OK, my wife. I need information.” “Ok, what information do you want?” “I am suspect she having AIDS. Want to check her” Your wife will need to come in person sir. I will need her permission to test her…....

Quick wrap up!

Dear Diary, How have you been? I know I haven’t written in you in a while.. As I say silence means good news! So things have been going good, have been busy with work/projects and also managed to do not one but three trips to Bangalore [ albeit short ones] over...
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