Today morning while scrolling through twitter, came upon this tweet thread and it blew my mind away.. It is about Body dysmorphic disorder [BDD], a real disorder where people are constantly assessing themselves, finding flaws on their body and getting treatments...
So, its been a while since I wrote about this topic… Doesn’t mean things are happy dandy and people have changed. I guess I have just found that it is easier to ignore those who mock and pass comments than try to reason with them. That said, I just got back from a...
So my uncle has always had this “no mobile phone on the dining table while eating” policy. Something that I’ve seen him implement about 20-25 years ago & he continues even now. The 1st time I witnessed this habit of his was when we had gone out...
Years ago somebody introduced me to Louis hay and her book You Can Heal yourself. While the initial chapters in the book didn’t really resonate with me, the last few pages carry tables that talk about ailments/condition & the possible emotional connection...