The hills beckon

 Its that time again.. Am off on a Holiday, yoohooo!!! Gonna explore new terrain, taste new adventures and will be back with stories and pictures to make you all jealous..hahaha!! here’s a sneak peek on where am headed… The endless mountain ranges,,...

[Movie] Khuda ke Liye – In the Name of God!!

A movie i had been wanting to watch ever since i read about it in the papers and heard raving reviews from my friends… yep, am talking about Khuda Ke Liye, [In the name of God] directed by Shoaib Mansoor … This Pakistani movie has become one of my...

[Tag] Viva life…. :)

Chakoli madame tagged meee… eeks, and its been sitting there, waiting for me to complete.. and today is the Day.. finally managed to find time and realized i am bored, so why goes..Rules of the tag- Just got to pick random phrases and then write in...

The weekend that rocked…

Phew.. weekend is over and a new week has begun… the week was good fun.. – Last week, Work had eased up and i wasnt spending as much time in front of the comp as i used to..Yipee~~ – Caught up with some friends and spent oodles of time with them.....
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