Salty Saturday… a dash of love

You walk away Without a glance afar  I stand waiting patiently frozen Empty stares and glares Passerby throw freely I sit tired and weary hopeful You come running excitement I see  glowing I rise tall  only to tumble  grounded You come...

This Monday.. Regret not..

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in. Katherine Mansfield

Holiday Haiku

Last month, Club Mahindra ran a #holidayhaiku contest on Twitter.. I won on the 3rd day and again won a consolation prize… More than winning, the excitment of being able to relive the holidays i had taken, the journeys i had been on was the highlight of the...

The 7 things that make me—> me…

Gils said he had an award waiting for me on his blog… So, i rushed to his blog to see what the award was all about…. And then,kaput, i was trapped.. it was a tag…  ;o) RULES about the award: 1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to...
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