Got this tag from a friend… and now is the perfect time to do it… I have tonnes of work, and just don’t feel like doing any … sigh!!! am gonna be up all night i just know it!! i just do!! 🙂 Q: When you looked at yourself in the...
You Are Dusk You are a naturally idealistic and creative person. You look forward to nights where everything is possible. You spend most of your energy on play. Work is okay, but the true you emerges after the work day is done. You’re an offbeat type that...
Its weekend already…Wonder where the whole week… 5days went…Whoosh, it passed by, like those damned deadlines!!! :)Its been one of those weeks that i am happy is over.. Too much work – official and at home!!! Am tired -mental, emotional...
As we race through the days time it runs ahead thoughts and wishes leading us on… With every step i take future i urge to grab dreams and hope keeping me strong…. work on and struggle some more grab the books and get going where does my future lie, i...
While watching Abhiyum Nanum, a thought struck me… we all learn at every stage in our lives..We go to school, college, learn from our parents , family etc etc….The Character of the begger who is brought home by the girl surprises them by speaking English...