Yet another year has gone by, flown by, but then it dint really fly by. I sat back and watched the days fly, and the months roll out. And now, it is the last day of 2012- Dec 31st.


The year has been good, overall- Touch wood!! I did get some perspective on life, managed to get my act together with work, and did travel [visit a few places that had been on my Must visit list for quite some time]. This year, i was offline more than online; spent more time with friends and people who matter and learnt that I have none but myself to blame for whatever happens to me[late realisation, but it gets stronger every year].

This year i found a new family amidst a bunch of girls/ladies [Deeps, Pree Tas, Avanthi, Jenny, Aunty, Yal & KK] who i know are good leaning pillars and there when i need a push/shove; another gang of friends[RS,AR,DS,KR,SR,HS] who changes Display pictures & group names every day but are a good solid lot; and ofcourse my 2 best friends [N & A] and their lovely families- who prove to me every day that I am indeed blessed & loved, and all others who have taught me valuable lessons on life, people & everything else. 
And then there are those who’ve always been there- inspiring me, especially Lakshmi.. 🙂
I look forward to a year of good health, more drive in everything i  do and ofcourse exploring many more places. I also hope to find a place of my own, realise a few dreams tucked away within my grey cells and continue spreading happiness and cheer all around. 

To all those who made a difference, to all those who were there for me, to all those who patiently sat and let me vent- Love you all~!! I hope you know I am there for you….  

                          Happy New Year everyone!!
     Live life on your terms and dont let anyone bring your   

                                confidence down…
Try new things, trip and fall, but never look back with regret~!! 
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