Yesterday morning  had to go S’s office to drop off a sample [related to work] and on the way back home, bumped into my colleague’s sis,V… Spent a few minutes talking to her[ it had been ages] and then she invited me to join her for a cuppa coffee at French Loaf, Harrington Road… What the heck, went in, we had a cup of Latte, and nibbled on a Mushroom Onion Quiche [i wonder why those yummy things are called quiche.. what the hell is that???wierd name for a dish dont u think??:) ]

anyways… moving on to the main point….we were done, and while leaving, i made a beeline for their bread section, picked out a small garlic bread stick thingy, and a packet of veg curry bread.. but after 2mins, decided against the bread, and gave it back.. immediately one of the manager guys came upto me [ i thot he was a manager, cos he was wearing a tie and all :)] and asked “is it because of the date, ma’am?”.. took me a minute to understand what he was saying …[ding ding ding.. he is talking about manufacture date of bread].. i replied “no, i just realised i dont need bread”… he walked away….

Few mins later, while at the bill counter, another guy pops up behind the counter and asked “ma’am, we’ve got fresh stock, would you like a loaf of that?”… i was like “no, thank you…’.. the schmuck who is manning the till  shows me a bill with the loaf of bread i had cancelled, saying “its already there on the bill, take something instead..” and am like ‘wtf.. i dont want the bread, cancel it..”[ puhlease, its not like i took a bite of it and then gave it back…”… he waits staring at me.. i stare at him.. and then i noticed a movement next to me… one of those tie clad manager guys came over, gave an eye signal to our schmuck, who immediately redid the bill and gave it to me….. 

well… made me wonder how the guys working at places notice small things…. normally, no one would have asked me why i put the loaf back.. but here, BECAUSE it was old stock, they thot i was returning it… and it made me wonder.. what if i had bot it, and it had rotted in a day… would i have noticed the date and gone back  asking for refund? why were they selling stuff that was not fresh?????? hmmm!!! 

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